Awesome ink drop #9 | Ink in water, Water photography, Ink art

Posted on June 6, 2022 by
Water Photography Street Art Collage Inspiration Design
Water Photography Inspiration

If you want to use this photo please contact me! Ingredients: a glass of beer full of water, Pelikan black ink, a home made light box, lights, photo retouch software, and, of course,digital camera Ingredienti: un bicchiere da birra pieno d'acqua, inchiostro Pelikan, una light box fatta in casa, luci, un programma per il fotoritocco e ovviamente una fotocamera digitale. Tutte le altre foto qui

Water Photography

If you want to use this photo please contact me! Ingredients: a glass of beer full of water, Pelikan black ink, a home made light box, lights, photo retouch software, and, of course,digital camera Ingredienti: un bicchiere da birra pieno d'acqua, inchiostro Pelikan, una light box fatta in casa, luci, un programma…

Awesome Collage