Remarkable French Artist Creates Surreal Fantasy Universes Inspired By Hayao Miyazaki And Tim Burton | Art inspiration, Surreal art, Digital painting

Posted on August 1, 2018 by
Charcoal Drawings Hayao Miyazaki Tim Burton Art Beat Cyril
Charcoal Drawings Art Beat

Ciryl Rolando, baseado na França, é expert em pintura digital. Trabalhando sob o seu nome artístico, Aquasixio, ele concentra seus trabalhos em torno do aspecto emocional dos seres humanos e das cores da vida.Equilibrando-se em algum lugar entre a fantasia e o surreal, o próprio Rolando desc

Charcoal Drawings

Aug 25, 2016 - Amongst all the clinician psychologists in the world, no one probably stands a chance to beat France-based Ciryl Rolando at digital painting. Working under his artist’s name Aquasixio, he focuses his works around the emotional aspect of humans and the colors of life.

Remarkable Tim Burton