Top Diadems, Tiaras, and Crowns, Oh My! | Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw aesthetic, Harry potter aesthetic

Posted on August 24, 2020 by Rachael Dickzen
Harry Potter Fantasy Jewelry Ravenclaw Ravenclaw Uniform Ravenclaw Pride
Harry Potter Ravenclaw Uniform

So I’ve been hosting virtual lecture parties lately, since we’re all self-isolating and cooped up. At the most recent one, I presented on Diadems, Tiaras, and Crowns - talking about the different types and specific examples of each type. I had a lot of fun pulling together this slideshow and included as many pictures from around the world as I could.

Harry Potter

Other Posts about Crowns and Tiaras: Disney Crowns and Tiaras: Historical and Modern Inspirations (Part I) - Snow White, Alice in Wonderland (cartoon and live), Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent, Robin Hood, and the Great Mouse Detective Disney Crowns and Tiaras: Historical and Modern Inspirations

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