Latest Name The Duckens | Cute baby animals, Cute ducklings, Cute funny animals

Posted on August 12, 2020 by Jenny Chang
Cute Little Animals Cute Ducklings Cute Funny Animals Ducklings Cute Animals
Cute Little Animals Ducklings

This post really is for the birds. It's all that it's quacked up to be. All that and a sack of seed. Nameless new Ducken One son has chickens and one daughter has duckens. What is a ducken you might ask? It is a combination of how a certain 2 year old refers to chickens and ducks; duckens. And two of them are living at my house. Two Duckens, not two 2 year olds. Klous & Clyde as babies Clyde and Klous arrived last year this time, and this year we have a problem. Klous died a couple months ago. That's not the problem. Well... actually it is sort of. That's Klous there on the left in his better days, back when he and Clyde used to plot how to crap on my porch together. Don't worry I wouldn't really eat them. There is now a nice duck home and they leave my porch alone. Well, Klous leaves it alone since he's gone to the big pond in the sky. The problem is that since Klous has been gone, Clyde has been lonely. So lonely in fact he has become one with my sons chickens. Clyde spends too much time with the girls in the hen house and now Clyde thinks he is a chicken. He mimics the chickens, and I fear this is causing psychological issues with his identity. So in effect, Clyde really has become a ducken! I will probably have to use my vacation money to hire the Duck Whisperer to help him. Like any good mama bird, I took my 22 yr. old duck queen, along with a 5 yr. old and a 2 yr. old and off to the farm store we went where a fresh batch of baby Pekin's was waiting for us. My daughters friend met us there with her dad and they got four ducks. Word on the street is that duck eggs make baked goods fluffier. I wouldn't know about that fluffy thing, Clyde and Klous never produced any eggs, but I'll tell 'ya my son's poultry is being good to us..... See that? Those brown ones there, next to my giant bottle of ketchup, started arriving just after I bought a dozen at the store Sunday morning. Guess fresh eggs was my Mothers Day gift. I think I need to learn better quiche making skills. So in honor of all my fine feathered friends, and in memory of Klous, I turned a bird seed bag into a BIRD SEED BAG. Did you just roll your eyes on that one? I said at the beginning that this post was all that and a bag of seed. I wasn't joking. Because if feeding chickens and ducks wasn't enough I do like to keep the Robins and Bluebirds happy too. I walked by the plain sack that already held my bird seed - which mostly the squirrels eat - and 5 minutes later with the help of stencils, black craft paint, and broken pottery as a dabbing tray, I had a bird seed bag. I also had bird seed all over my dining room table. Fastest craft ever. So fast I was inspired to pick up 3 new canvas bags for a quarter each at a garage sale. Anyhow, the two new ducks need names. The 5 yr. old suggested Scratchy and French Fry. I offered up PteroDUCtyl, (get it - like the flying dino bird?) and Marshmellow since they grow up to be big white birds. I also mentioned Kirby and Electrolux. They laughed at me. Brawns ideas were just as bad as mine, I guess we ran out of good names a few kids ago. All this bird talk will see me flying the coop. I'm heading out of town and when I get back the family is gonna vote on names for our own little duck dynasty. So what say you? My daughter wants two female names or gender neutral ones, so what would you suggest? I will add your suggestions to the list we will vote on. If she actually uses your suggestion I'll have a prize for the winner(s). Like maybe one of the awesome cake testers she makes....... Sample of Beth's jeweled cake testers I mean seriously...... you've read our suggestions. Your odds of thinking up the winning name(s) are good. Subscribe, Bliss Ranch arrives magically!

Cute Little Animals

Jun 10, 2019 - Blog DIY Furniture Painting, Vintage Junk, Reuse Re-purpose Recycle, crafts, Home Decor, Yard & Garden, Old Sign Stencils, Fusion Mineral Paint.

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