Engaging His bear chan | victor nikiforov - •HBC [VNXR]• [3] | Poses de niños, Patinaje artístico, Victor nikiforov

Posted on November 22, 2020 by who ??
Manga Fandom Anime Shows Yuri On Ice Yuri Katsuki
Manga Yuri On Ice

Hey guys it's Panda_Chan74/ Panda/ or Author-Chan whatever you wanna call me, so if you haven't noticed I made a new story. And a little note, this is my FIRST Yuri!!! On ice story, I hope you guys like it. So this story is about You becoming a figure skater, and competing in the championships. But what will happen when you meet Viktor?


06-sep-2020 - Read •HBC [VNXR]• [3] from the story His bear chan | victor nikiforov by nayxli04 (nayeli🤍) with 3,835 reads. makkachi, victornikiforov, iceskating. [•~•][•~•...

Engaging Anime Shows